braking news! A PICTURE OF OUR TEAM!!!!

- The Project:
- The Holidays
The word holidays? what is the word you speak of? heh I never really got to enjoy the fruits of a full contempt holiday, but that's okay, I got something better, a proper completed concept of the entire oblivion scene finished, a first day of filming!
It was quite adventurous one could say, as during these holidays the D.D.R team really pulled some strings we never even knew were there!.
We successfully planned, built, organized, and shot our very first film session. a great achievement for a team that until a few weeks okay, I honestly would never see the tiny red flashing light of a recording camera!..
However all good things are not with out a cost.
- The Process
Okay where to start?
The script why not?---okay so during the days leading up to the holidays the script was finally getting completed, just adding the finishing touches, polishing up the edges, making it presentable for the actors who were to be involved with the production. As a whole I feel our script is of solid substance, and I'm really enthused by it's creations, and the possibility of where a production like this could take us!
Next came the logistics----Our team always knew the far out their potential of our enterprise, and in reality it would prove extremely difficult to actually get some of film locations and requirements to a suitable standard without having to first go through considerable setbacks, for example: descilimars for actors, logistics with acquiring the locations for the alleyway scenes, getting the permission of venues near by, and the L.J hooker owned building on muarry street rooftop permission.
Set construction:----We built the flats 5 by 3 meters slats of three, white sheet covered, we acquired the wood from our local margate rubbish disposal center. a few forgotten pallets pulled apart and reassembled will do the trick!. some photos of the wood are to follow.
Actors:---- well well the actors, now these people are though very appreciated, proved very problematic. Our main allocated actor for the main roll position of the production "Niel Adams" who we scheduled to film during the holidays, could not make the production commitments, and in the final days before production had to pull out of the project. obviously this proved very problematic. In the pre seding day before shooting i was able to stumble across an old friend, who volunteered for the part, a savior in a time of need!!
however in the during the shooting this hero seemed more of faint dream that never really worked. It turns out he never even read through the script until the morning of shooting, majorly disappointing, and a huge set back for all involved. a little more respect hey? oh well people are people, and given such late notice i guess we can't complain...
the overall acting was balanced i guess, moments of pure brilliance, others where it looked like the entire vendetta was just a waste of time.
Sets:--- Our filming locations varied according to time restraints availability of locations and time management we could afford to spend. initially our area of choice was the Hobart college amphitheater main stage as the huge panorama that could be pulled down would serve as a great fitting for our third oblivion wall, the general rigging and lights all ready equipped with the site was an added bonus!, this was DDR's weapon of choice. however with the advent of term 3 the incressed use of the theatre from the drama departments of the college proved a major obstical to negotiate, in the end our team thought it best to scout for other, safer, more quite locations. our soloution turned out to be none other then the coffe lounge brake room opposite the teachers lounge often used for meetings and international conferences and the like. because of this room purpose an array of spot lights where also current with the room, these lights replaced the theatres rigging suffeciantely enough for filming to take place. it was here where a further three film sessions took place, and was used as our primary film location when shooting the oblivion scenes.
the logestics involved for the alleyway shooting proved too time consuming to afford an actuall deadicate alleyway location. The end result turning out to be none other the eduactiob deparment of tasmania building directly accros from the main college A block complex. all though not ordal, and not fully shot yet, this proved as a nessecory backup location that was well utilised.
unexpected conclusion:----I regret to announce but time has escaped me once again and I must journey off to work on a sunday night! I shal endevour to continue this post soon, an update on the more recent weeks of filming shall follow this blog shortly ( hopefully within a day or two) expected coverage will include our more recent film sessions, and an in depth scope into our years effort-was it all for nothing?